styles.templates { # cat=content/templates/b1; type=string; label= Path of Fluid Templates for all defined content elements templateRootPath = # cat=content/templates/b2; type=string; label= Path of Fluid Partials for all defined content elements partialRootPath = # cat=content/templates/b3; type=string; label= Path of Fluid Layouts for all defined content elements layoutRootPath = } styles.content { # cat=content/cHeader/h0; type=int[1-5]; label=Default Header type: Enter the number of the header layout to be used by default defaultHeaderType = 2 # cat=content/cShortcut/t0; type=string; label=List of accepted tables shortcut.tables = tt_content # cat=content/parseFunc/a0; type=string; label=List of allowed HTML tags when rendering RTE content allowTags = a, abbr, acronym, address, article, aside, b, bdo, big, blockquote, br, caption, center, cite, code, col, colgroup, dd, del, dfn, dl, div, dt, em, font, footer, header, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, label, li, link, meta, nav, ol, p, pre, q, s, samp, sdfield, section, small, span, strike, strong, style, sub, sup, table, thead, tbody, tfoot, td, th, tr, title, tt, u, ul, var textmedia { # cat=content/cTextmedia/b1; type=int+; label= Max Image/Media Width: This indicates that maximum number of pixels (width) a block of media elements inserted as content is allowed to consume maxW = 600 # cat=content/cTextmedia/b2; type=int+; label= Max Image/Media Width (Text): Same as above, but this is the maximum width when text is wrapped around an block of media elements. Default is 50% of the normal Max Media Item Width maxWInText = 300 # cat=content/cTextmedia/g1; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Column space: Horizontal distance between media elements in a block in content elements of type "Media & Images". If you change this manually in your CSS, you need to adjust this setting accordingly columnSpacing = 10 # cat=content/cTextmedia/g2; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Row space: Vertical distance after each media elements row in content elements of type ""Text & Media". If you change this manually in your CSS, you need to adjust this setting accordingly rowSpacing = 10 # cat=content/cTextmedia/g3; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Margin to text: Horizontal distance between an imageblock and text in content elements of type "Text & Images" textMargin = 10 # cat=content/cTextmedia/i1; type=color; label= Media element border, color: Bordercolor of media elements in content elements when "Border"-option for an element is set borderColor = #000000 # cat=content/cTextmedia/i2; type=int[0-100]; label= Media element border, thickness: Thickness of border around media elements in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set borderWidth = 2 # cat=content/cTextmedia/i3; type=int+; label= Media element border, padding: Padding left and right to the media element, around the border borderPadding = 0 # cat=content/cTextmedia/c1; type=string; label= Click-enlarge Media Width: This specifies the width of the enlarged media element when click-enlarge is enabled linkWrap.width = 800m # cat=content/cTextmedia/c2; type=string; label= Click-enlarge Media Height: This specifies the height of the enlarged media element when click-enlarge is enabled linkWrap.height = 600m # cat=content/cTextmedia/c3; type=boolean; label= Advanced, New window: If set, every click-enlarged media element will open in it's own popup window and not the current popup window (which may have a wrong size for the media element to fit in) linkWrap.newWindow = 0 # cat=content/cTextmedia/c4; type=boolean; label= Lightbox click-enlarge rendering: Whether media elements with click-enlarge checked should be rendered lightbox-compliant linkWrap.lightboxEnabled = 0 # cat=content/cTextmedia/c5; type=string; label= Lightbox CSS class: Which CSS class to use for lightbox links (only applicable if lightbox rendering is enabled) linkWrap.lightboxCssClass = lightbox # cat=content/cTextmedia/c6; type=string; label= Lightbox rel="" attribute: Which rel="" attribute to use for lightbox links (only applicable if lightbox rendering is enabled) linkWrap.lightboxRelAttribute = lightbox[{field:uid}] } links { # cat=content/links/l2; type=small; label= Target for external links extTarget = _blank # cat=content/links/l3; type=string; label= Parts to keep when building links: Comma separated list of the link parts to show when building the link-text: scheme,path,query. Example: "" (empty) =>, "scheme,path" => keep = path } }