content { # cat=content/cHeader/h0; type=int[1-5]; label=Default Header type: Enter the number of the header layout to be used by default. defaultHeaderType = 1 shortcut.tables = tt_content,tt_address,tt_products,tt_news } # cat=advanced; type=int+; label= News Content PID: If your template has a column with "news"-content fetched from another page-id, this is where you enter the id-number of that page! styles.content.getNews.newsPid = 0 styles.content.links { keep = path # cat=content/links; type=small; label= Target for external links extTarget = _blank target = {$PAGE_TARGET} allowTags = a, abbr, acronym, address, article, aside, b, bdo, big, blockquote, br, caption, center, cite, code, col, colgroup, dd, del, dfn, dl, div, dt, em, font, footer, header, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, label, li, link, meta, nav, ol, p, pre, q, s, samp, sdfield, section, small, span, strike, strong, style, sub, sup, table, thead, tbody, tfoot, td, th, tr, title, tt, u, ul, var } styles.content.imgtext { # TIP! if register[maxImageWidth] is set, this will override maxW # cat=content/cImage/b1; type=int+; label= Max Image Width: This indicates that maximum number of pixels (width) a block of images inserted as content is allowed to consume. maxW = 600 # cat=content/cImage/b2; type=int+; label= Max Image Width (Text): Same as above, but this is the maximum width when text is wrapped around an imageblock. Default is 50% of the normal Max Image Width. maxWInText = # cat=content/cImage/b4; type=options[Default img-tag=default, img-tag with alternate sources as srcset-attribute=srcset, picture-tag with source-child-tags=picture, img-tag with alternate sources as data-attributes=data]; label= Rendering-type for responsive images. layoutKey = default # cat=content/cImage/c1; type=string; label= Click-enlarge Image Width: This specifies the width of the enlarged image when click-enlarge is enabled. linkWrap.width = 800m linkWrap.height = 600m linkWrap.effects = # cat=content/cImage/c2; type=boolean; label= Advanced, New window: If set, every click-enlarged image will open in it's own popup window and not the current popup window (which may have a wrong size for the image to fit in) linkWrap.newWindow = 0 # cat=content/cImage/c3; type=boolean; label= Lightbox click-enlarge rendering: Whether images with click-enlarge checked should be rendered lightbox-compliant linkWrap.lightboxEnabled = 0 # cat=content/cImage/c4; type=string; label= Lightbox CSS class: Which CSS class to use for lightbox links (only applicable if lightbox rendering is enabled) linkWrap.lightboxCssClass = lightbox # cat=content/cImage/c5; type=string; label= Lightbox rel="" attribute: Which rel="" attribute to use for lightbox links (only applicable if lightbox rendering is enabled) linkWrap.lightboxRelAttribute = lightbox[{field:uid}] # cat=content/cImage/e2; type=string; label= Images, empty title handling: How will the 'title' attribute be handled if no title is given for an image. Possible choices: "keepEmpty", "useAlt" or "removeAttr". Recommended for accessibility is "removeAttr". For correct tooltips on IE, use "keepEmpty". For previous TYPO3 behaviour, use "useAlt". emptyTitleHandling = removeAttr # cat=content/cImage/e3; type=boolean; label= Images, title in link: Do you want the 'title' attribute to be added to the surrounding tag, if present? Recommended for accessibility is "true". titleInLink = 1 # cat=content/cImage/e4; type=boolean; label= Images, title in link and IMG: If you have the title in the -tag (titleInLink=true), you don't get the 'title' in the -tag. IE will not show the tooltip anymore. So to get the 'title' in too (to keep IE happy), set this too. Recommended for accessibility is "false". For correct tooltips on IE, set this to "true". titleInLinkAndImg = 0 # cat=content/cImage/g1; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Column space: Horizontal distance between images in a block in content elements of type "Images" or "Text & Images". If you change this manually in your CSS, you need to adjust this setting accordingly. colSpace = 10 # cat=content/cImage/g2; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Row space: Vertical distance after each image row in content elements of type "Images" or "Text & Images". If you change this manually in your CSS, you need to adjust this setting accordingly. rowSpace = 10 # cat=content/cImage/g3; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Margin to text: Horizontal distance between an imageblock and text in content elements of type "Text & Images". textMargin = 10 # cat=content/cImage/i1; type=color; label= Image border, color: Bordercolor of images in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set. borderColor = #000000 # cat=content/cImage/i1; type=color; label= Image border, color: Bordercolor of images in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set. borderColor2 = #000000 # cat=content/cImage/i2; type=int[0-100]; label= Image border, thickness: Thickness of border around images in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set. borderThick = 2 # cat=content/cImage/i3; type=int+; label= Image border, padding: Padding left and right to the image, around the border. borderSpace = 0 # cat=content/cImage/i4; type=string; label= Image border CSS-selector: If you want your border to apply elsewhere, change this setting. E.g. to apply to the whole image+caption, use ' .csc-textpic-image'. borderSelector = div.{$styles.content.imgtext.borderClass} img # cat=content/cImage/i5; type=string; label= Image border class: The name of the CSS class for creating image borders borderClass = csc-textpic-border # cat=content/cImage/i5; type=boolean; label= Image row separation: Whether images should be rendered/wrapped in separated rows, e.g. inside a element separateRows = 1 } styles.content.textmedia { # cat=content/cTextmedia/b1; type=int+; label= Max Image/Media Width: This indicates that maximum number of pixels (width) a block of media elements inserted as content is allowed to consume maxW = 600 # cat=content/cTextmedia/b2; type=int+; label= Max Image/Media Width (Text): Same as above, but this is the maximum width when text is wrapped around an block of media elements. Default is 50% of the normal Max Media Item Width maxWInText = 300 # cat=content/cTextmedia/g1; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Column space: Horizontal distance between media elements in a block in content elements of type "Media & Images". If you change this manually in your CSS, you need to adjust this setting accordingly columnSpacing = 10 # cat=content/cTextmedia/g2; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Row space: Vertical distance after each media elements row in content elements of type ""Text & Media". If you change this manually in your CSS, you need to adjust this setting accordingly rowSpacing = 10 # cat=content/cTextmedia/g3; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Margin to text: Horizontal distance between an imageblock and text in content elements of type "Text & Images" textMargin = 10 # cat=content/cTextmedia/i1; type=color; label= Media element border, color: Bordercolor of media elements in content elements when "Border"-option for an element is set borderColor = #000000 # cat=content/cTextmedia/i2; type=int[0-100]; label= Media element border, thickness: Thickness of border around media elements in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set borderWidth = 2 # cat=content/cTextmedia/i3; type=int+; label= Media element border, padding: Padding left and right to the media element, around the border borderPadding = 0 # cat=content/cTextmedia/c1; type=string; label= Click-enlarge Media Width: This specifies the width of the enlarged media element when click-enlarge is enabled linkWrap.width = 800m # cat=content/cTextmedia/c2; type=string; label= Click-enlarge Media Height: This specifies the height of the enlarged media element when click-enlarge is enabled linkWrap.height = 600m # cat=content/cTextmedia/c3; type=boolean; label= Advanced, New window: If set, every click-enlarged media element will open in it's own popup window and not the current popup window (which may have a wrong size for the media element to fit in) linkWrap.newWindow = 0 # cat=content/cTextmedia/c4; type=boolean; label= Lightbox click-enlarge rendering: Whether media elements with click-enlarge checked should be rendered lightbox-compliant linkWrap.lightboxEnabled = 0 # cat=content/cTextmedia/c5; type=string; label= Lightbox CSS class: Which CSS class to use for lightbox links (only applicable if lightbox rendering is enabled) linkWrap.lightboxCssClass = lightbox # cat=content/cTextmedia/c6; type=string; label= Lightbox rel="" attribute: Which rel="" attribute to use for lightbox links (only applicable if lightbox rendering is enabled) linkWrap.lightboxRelAttribute = lightbox[{field:uid}] } styles.content.uploads { target = _blank jumpurl_secure = jumpurl_secure_mimeTypes = pdf=application/pdf, doc=application/msword jumpurl = # cat=content/cUploads; type=string; label=Labels of file sizes: The labels for bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes filesizeBytesLabels = " | K| M| G" } # cat=advanced/links; type=small; label= Target for internal links: Should match the name of the content PAGE-object in TypoScript when used with frames. Most cases: set to "" (empty). If you have frames in the template set to "page" PAGE_TARGET =